Slim And Flexible - 3mm

Slim and Flexible - 3mm

Thin and flexible, for more comfort with the same absorbency as the thick pads. By including the same amount of pulp fibers, admiria Slim pads have the same absorbency as the Maxi-Thicks, but these pads are more compressed for more comfort. Therefore, admiria Slim pads combine the absorption power of the Maxi-Thicks and the flexibility of Ultra-Thins. admiria Slim pads are about three times thinner than the Maxi-Thicks.
Slim and Flexible - 3mm
Slim Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Night

Admiria Slim pad has a semi-thick layer of absorbent and locker materials with a high absorption capacity. The cotton-like top sheet is ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin-Night

Admiria Slim pad with a semi-thick layer of absorbent, locker materials and a perforated top sheet gives you the proper capacity to spend a ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Daily

Admiria Slim pad has a semi-thick layer of absorbent and locker materials with a medium absorption capacity. The cotton-like top sheet is ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin-Daily

Admiria Slim pad with a semi-thick layer of absorbent, locker materials and a perforated top sheet gives you the proper capacity to spend a ...