Fluid Lock Gel Tech

Fluid Lock Gel Tech

admiria fluid lock gel technology absorbs and traps the body fluids immediately after coming into contact. This essential feature is applied in all admiria pads to ensure the prevention of wetness on the pad’s surface.
Fluid Lock Gel Tech
Ultra Thin Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Night

Admiria Ultra Thin pads with several thin layers of absorbent and locker materials is a good solution for continuing the normal flow of ...

Ultra Thin Sanitary Napkin-Night

Admiria Ultra Thin pads with several thin layers of absorbent and locker materials is a good solution for continuing the normal flow of ...

Ultra Thin Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Daily

Admiria Ultra Thin pads with several thin layers of absorbent and locker materials is a good solution for continuing the normal flow of ...

Ultra Thin Sanitary Napkin-Daily

Admiria Ultra Thin pads with several thin layers of absorbent and locker materials is a good solution for continuing the normal flow of ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Night

Admiria Slim pad has a semi-thick layer of absorbent and locker materials with a high absorption capacity. The cotton-like top sheet is ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin-Night

Admiria Slim pad with a semi-thick layer of absorbent, locker materials and a perforated top sheet gives you the proper capacity to spend a ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Daily

Admiria Slim pad has a semi-thick layer of absorbent and locker materials with a medium absorption capacity. The cotton-like top sheet is ...

Slim Sanitary Napkin-Daily

Admiria Slim pad with a semi-thick layer of absorbent, locker materials and a perforated top sheet gives you the proper capacity to spend a ...

Maxi-Thick Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Night

Admiria Maxi-Thick pad with a thick layer of absorbent material has a high absorption capacity. The cotton-like top sheet is designed for ...

Maxi-Thick Sanitary Napkin-Night

Admiria Maxi-Thick pad with a thick layer of absorbent, locker materials and a perforated top sheet allows you to spend a peaceful night ...

Maxi-Thick Sanitary Napkin for Sensitive Skin-Daily

Admiria Maxi-Thick pad with a thick layer of absorbent and locker materials has a high absorption capacity. The cotton-like top sheet is ...

Maxi-Thick Sanitary Napkin-Daily

Admiria Maxi-Thick pad with a thick layer of absorbent, fluid locker materials and a perforated top sheet gives you the proper capacity to ...